
Coot software
Coot software

coot software

To start a new RCrane trace, first move the center of the screen near where you would like to build the first phosphate, then select New Trace 5’->3’… from the RCrane menu. If you are using Coot 0.6.2, click on Calculate -> Run Script… Then choose installRCrane.py within the RCrane directory. In Windows, this file is located within the WinCoot directory at WinCoot/.coot-preferences/rcrane.py. In Linux and OS X, this file is located at ~/.coot-preferences/rcrane.py. If you are using Coot 0.7, edit the rcrane.py file within your. To Automatically Launch RCrane Every Time Coot is Started If you are using Coot 0.6.2, click on Calculate -> Run Script… Then choose launch.py within the RCrane directory. To Run RCrane for the Current Coot Session

coot software

home/name/Documents/rcrane or C:\Users\name\Documents\rcrane). If you are installing RCrane for only yourself, you may put the rcrane directory anywhere within your home directory (i.e. If you are installing RCrane for all users of the computers, it is recommended that you put the RCrane directory within the Coot installation directory (e.g.

#Coot software install#

If you are using Coot 0.6.2, you must install RCrane separately.

coot software

To launch RCrane, click on Extensions -> RCrane launch. RCrane is included with Coot 0.7 or newer. Versions of Coot for OS X may be found at. If installing on Windows, use the WinCoot build (i.e. If installing on Linux, you will need a build of Coot with “-python-gtk2” in the file name (i.e. If you do not already have an appropriate version of Coot installed, it may be downloaded from. RCrane requires Coot 0.6.2 or newer, and Coot must have been built with GTK2 and with Python scripting enabled. RCrane is copyright 2010-2012, Kevin Keating, and is licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0. Please note that all publications resulting from the use of RCrane must acknowledge the Acta Cryst manuscript. RCrane: Semi-automated RNA model building. Semiautomated model building for RNA crystallography using a directed rotameric approach. This is done using the methodology described in: RCrane allows for semi-automated building of RNA structure within Coot.

Coot software